Graphene is the thinnest known material: a sheet of carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal cells only a single atom thick, and yet stronger than diamond. Since it ...
Graphene is the first example of a truly two-dimensional crystal. This opens many interesting questions concerning the thermodynamics, lattice dynamics, and ...
Carbon is one of the most intriguing elements in the Periodic Table. It forms many allotropes, some known from ancient times (diamond and graphite) and some ...
Graphene is the first example of a truly two-dimensional crystal. This opens many interesting questions concerning the thermodynamics, lattice dynamics, and ...
A two-dimensional sheet of carbon atoms linked in a hexagonal lattice, just one atom thick, it is the thinnest known material, is harder than diamond and ...
The document summarizes recent research on graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. Key points: 1) Graphene was considered ...